We love our adopters! Whether you represent a corporation, small business, civic group, church, or if you just want to donate some personal time, you can help us provide a quality education for North Euless students.
Your organization can become a NEE campus adopter and work with just our school, or you can become a district adopter and work with multiple schools (or even the entire district).
We're open to almost any gifts or services your organization can provide. Many adopters ask us what our current needs are and then pick an item or task that fits their group. Past ideas have included:
- Guest speakers
- Educational tours or field trips
- Incentive awards for student achievement
- Donation drives (school supplies, coats, shoes, P.E. & recess equipment, etc)
- Teacher discounts, rewards, and snacks for the break room or training days
- Allowing employees to volunteer at the school during the work day
For more information, contact our NEE Adopt-A-School Coordinator:
Jessica Ausen
...or visit the district-level Adopt-a-School website.